Earthquake in Strasbourg confirms the risks of geothermal energy in Castel Giorgio

The 16th of September is approaching, the date on which the objection of ITW & LKW Italia (against the decision of the Lazio TAR to cancel approval for the plant in Castel Giorgio) will be negotiated before the Council of State. Briefs and replies were tabled, in which the recent earthquake in Strasbourg attracted a great deal of attention.

While the ITW denies that what happened in Strasbourg could happen in Castel Giorgio, the lawyers of the municipalities and of Italia Nostra pointed out similarities between the two geothermal power plants.

In Strasbourg, since the first earthquakes triggered by geothermal activity in November 2019 the earth has not been calm. There have been seismic sequences and single events of increasing strength, until that of June 26th which measured 3.9 on the Richter scale – comparable to the strongest earthquakes ever observed in the area. And this, many months after operations were stopped by order of the Prefect in December 2020 on the grounds that the project “no longer guarantees essential security”.

Unpredictable events, man-made seismicity out of control: supported by strong scientific eveidnce we believe that the Castel Giorgio plant presents the same risks, with the important difference that earthquakes caused by geothermal activities in Castel Giorgio could reach a magnitude just below 6 on the Richter scale, releasing energy a thousand times stronger than the earthquakes in Strasbourg.

To lend a hand in defense of our territory, we ask you to support fundraising for the appeal with a contribution via bank transfer. Here are the account details:

  • Beneficiary: Associazione Lago di Bolsena
  • Reason: Contribution for legal expenses No geothermal energy in Castel Giorgio
  • IBAN: IT94 Z076 0102 8000 0105 4852 254




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