Pesticides, made to measure for hazelnuts?

On April 29, the first advisory commission of the Province of Viterbo met to discuss the updating of the “provincial guidelines on the sustainable use of pesticides in agriculture for the adoption of municipal and inter-municipal regulations”.

The stated intent of the meeting was to open a peaceful and shared discussion on this current issue, in a dialogue with stakeholders to update the provincial regulation of 2015.

This intention is offset by a few facts: the invitation was addressed above all to trade associations, which appeared in large numbers; none of the environmental associations, none of the biodistricts, no scientist critical of the use of pesticides were formally invited. Rather than an open discussion on the careful use of pesticides in the agriculture of the province, it was a monologue of the hazelnut lobby in defence of its interests (here is a summary of the contributions).

Fortunately, the environmental associations and biodistricts learned of the event in time from a newspaper article, and were able to obtain permission to participate, at least to outline their positions. These will be submitted in detail to provincial bodies and the public, and should be discussed in thematic hearings

The associations and bioregions are of the opinion that the Province of Viterbo is not a land of conquest for hazelnut groves, but a vast area of high scenic and environmental value, with diversified crops, with significant natural resources and with a biodiversity that is still good although under continuous threat. Associations and biodistricts are fighting for a regulation that primarily supports healthy areas, rather than maintain the status quo of degraded areas. A regulation that supports the province’s true natural, cultural, agricultural and gastronomic assets, to be developed with respect for the environment. A regulation that protects protected areas and freshwater resources, habitats and biodiversity.


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